DrM schrieb am 30.06.2024 12:43:
nasco di.gorgio schrieb am 29.06.2024 17:58:
Wie kann es einem vernünftigen Menschen entgehen, dass Diabetes 2 oder auch Insulin Resistenz vielleicht etwas mit den Unmengen verspeister Kohlenhydrate und den damit ausgeschütteten Insulin zu tun haben könnte ? "Low Carb", und zwar unter 50g/Tag, ist die Antwort.
Das schaffe ich schon allein mit dem Zucker, den ich mir in den Tee kippe. Nudeln, Brot, Bananen, Süßigkeiten kommen noch dazu. Habe teilweise 400 g Datteln zum Abendbrot verknuspert ...
In other words, it wasn't just a improvement. It was eradication.
But this is when I learned from people would say to me, you didn't tell me that I'd have to stop my insulin and Metformin.
Cause my blood sugar dropped so much. I'm no longer a type two diabetes. You didn't tell me I would drop 57 pounds and I would lose eight inches off my waist.
You didn't tell me that my also colitis or rheumatoid arthritis got so much better. I'd have to stop the prednisone and the anti-inflammatory drugs, the biologic injections.
So I did this Jason, just for small LDL particles in people with high Kartra calcium scores.And I stumbled into this thing, but it took me a while to accept this because when you think about it, I tell people to remove the foods that virtually all physicians, all dietary guidelines, all dieticians, all tell people should be the cornerstone of diet.
We take it out and we see like, Health and weight transformed. So, you know, it took me a good year. I was thinking whether I was the asshole and I had I was expecting, oh, of course I'm wrong."I tell people to remove the foods that virtually all physicians, all dietary guidelines, all dieticians, all tell people should be the cornerstone of diet."