Weder Schweden noch Finnland waren vor dem NATO-Beitritt neutral. Schwedens NATO-Botschafter 2018:
While still militarily non-aligned, Sweden is no longer aiming for neutrality in case of a conflict, as was the case during the Cold War. Back then our doctrine stated that we were non-aligned in peacetime with the purpose of maintaining neutrality in the case of war. With our membership of the European Union in 1995, the old neutrality doctrine became obsolete, notably with the signature in 2007 of the Lisbon Treaty and its Article 42.7 (which puts an obligation on EU members to assist and support with all means another member state under attack, in line with Article 51 in the UN Charter).
Dieses gerne übersehende Detail des Vertrages von Lissabon erklärt u. A. warum es wenig Aufschrei sowohl in Schweden und Finnland als auch auf russischer Seite gab als die beiden Länder 2022 plötzlich in die NATO wollten - strategishc ändert sich gar nicht so viel.