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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 14.07.2012

Dmitri Medwedew: russische Friedensformel für die Ukraine

Dmitri Medwedew, einer von Putin engsten Vertrauten und stellvertretender Leiter des Sicherheitsrates der Russischen Föderation hat am 14. März auf Telegram eine "Russische Formel für den Frieden" veröffentlicht:

Ich sage da nur: viel Spaß beim austesten.


When I hear the expression “Zelensky’s peace formula,” I experience an irresistible feeling of disgust, which quickly turns into a feeling of shame from the bad surrealism of what is happening. After all, everyone understands perfectly well, including the out-of-touch Western liars, that even in much simpler situations during war, peace can be achieved either with the mutual will of the parties on the basis of a reasonable compromise, or through the surrender of one of the parties to the conflict.

The will of the so-called former Ukraine to negotiate is not visible. In any case, based on recognition of the realities, as V.V. Putin said yesterday. For them, reality is the Mozkoklyuy “peace formula” of a provincial clown in green tights. And nothing else. It looks so artificial that the only way out is to construct your own Russian formula, calm and quite realistic. Humane for everyone.
Which one? And for example, this:

1. Recognition by the former (hereinafter - b.) “Ukraine” of defeat in the military component of the conflict. Complete and unconditional surrender b. “Ukraine” represented by the neo-Nazi clique in Kyiv. Demilitarization b. “Ukraine” and the ban on the creation of paramilitary forces on its territories in the future.
2. Recognition of the Nazi character by the international community b. the Kyiv political regime and the forced denazification of all government bodies under UN control b. "Ukraine".
3. UN statement of loss b. “Ukraine” of international legal personality and the impossibility of any of its legal successors joining military alliances without the consent of Russia.
4. Resignation of all constitutional authorities b. “Ukraine” and the immediate holding of elections to the provisional parliament of the self-governing territory b. "Ukraine".
5. Adoption by the provisional parliament of laws on the payment of all required compensation to Russia, including payments to the relatives of the dead citizens of our country and payments for harm to the health of the wounded. Establishing a procedure for compensation for property damage caused to constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
6. Official recognition by the interim parliament b. “Ukraine”, that its entire territory is the territory of the Russian Federation. Adoption of an act of reunification of territories b. "Ukraine" with Russia.
7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament. UN recognition of the act of reunification.

This may be the soft Russian formula for peace. This is a compromise position, right? I think it is precisely on this basis that we can seek a benevolent consensus with the international community, including the Anglo-Saxon world, and hold productive summits, counting on mutual understanding of our close friends – our Western partners.

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