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Borrell neulich in Ägypten

kid1212 schrieb am 10.07.2023 11:38:

Nichts kann besser als dieser Satz die katastrophal falsche Politik der EU belegen.

Borrell demonstrierte neulich sehr gut, wozu solche fixen Ideen führen können:

»The re-admission of Syria in the League of Arab States is a sovereign decision, and we respect it fully. [Our position with respect to the Syrian regime has not changed].

At this moment there is no serious accountability of the regime. This is not perceived lightly by us. That is why the European Union, and the League of Arab States postponed our Ministerial meeting at the request of the European Union.

At the same time, I came here to underline that the European Union wants to deepen its engagement and dialogue with the Arab League, that is why I am here.«

gruss. luky

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