Quelle: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/uncategorized/they-are-deliberately-trying-to-bankrupt-businesses-to-recreate-a-marxist-world/
Based upon reliable sources, the agenda is to bankrupt as much of the economy as possible to take it over via nationalization which is their Great Reset to reconstruct the economy in only their vision. They are attacking all fund managers and pensions that have ANY investment in China to try to force them to sell everything to bring China to its knees. Then they have activist judges on board who are in league with them to force by decree the closure of all fossil fuels and pipelines. An activist Judge who should be removed from the bench ordered the Dakota Access Pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois must shut down pending an environmental review and be emptied of oil by August 5th. The order will be most likely appealed, but this is illustrating who bad this entire agenda really is.
These people are obsessed with fossil fuels and are imposing by dictatorship their agenda against everyone else despite the fact that all their research cannot stand the real review without biased studies. CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere yet these people make it sound as if it is so lethal we will all die in 3 years or less.
Instead of armed conflict as they did in Russia, they are now actively trying to deliberately DESTROY the economy and the future of everyone and think we will be satisfied with Guaranteed Basic Income which will be a minimal subsistence. In Germany, the Greens are trying to bankrupt the auto industry and you can see who is part of the agenda by their position on the climate. This is an all-out war and it will not end nicely.
They are WELL FUNDED and they are deliberately creating a Hybrid-Marxist World which only the multinationals will survive in league with the Marxists providing full tracking of everyone and monitoring everything we search, think about, and where we go. I have EXCELLENT sources and this is the agenda.
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