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  • Stoneburner

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 22.02.2011

Re: Zerstörung des russischen Atomwaffenarsenals würde Frieden bedeuten

Pearphidae schrieb am 09.06.2024 18:04:

Godapol schrieb am 09.06.2024 16:46:

LeJoker schrieb am 09.06.2024 16:29:

Die Älteren wurden schon in den 80ern von Sowjetrussland nuklear bedroht.

Wer hat denn mit den Atombomben angefangen und damit auch gleichzeitig eine Drohkulisse aufgebaut?

Wer ist schlauer (=zurückhaltender) geworden?
Und wer fuchtelt verbal dauernd damit herum?

Übrigens: Für eine Wette braucht es immer zwei.

Die USA würden im Krieg niemals mit Atomwaffen drohen*

*Ausser halt wenn Trump Präsident ist:

“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program.

*Ausser in Afghanistan:

Following the Sept. 11 attacks, the discussion of ways to eradicate this potential nuclear threat -– while simultaneously destroying bin Laden and his teams -— may have led to talk about tactical weapons that can destroy even heavily fortified underground shelters.

*oder im ersten golfkrieg:

George H.W. Bush tells his biographer that his secretary of defense considered using tactical nuclear weapons against Iraqi forces in the First Gulf War.

*Oder Vietnam:

The documents reveal a long-secret set of preparations by the commander, Gen. William Westmoreland, to have nuclear weapons at hand should U.S. forces find themselves on the brink of defeat at Khe Sanh, one of the fiercest battles of the war.

*Oder bei der ersten Taiwan Krise:

The documents, first reported on by the New York Times Saturday, reveal the extent of Washington’s discussions about using nuclear weapons to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, including the acceptance by some US military leaders of possible retaliatory nuclear strikes on US bases.

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