Man hätte sich aber eventuell auch informieren können, dass die mRNA-Impfstoffe überhaupt keine Spike-Proteine enthalten, sondern die Anleitung für die menschlichen Zellen, diese herzustellen. Dann würde man ins grübeln kommen, warum Dr. Bridle (nicht Bridel) solchen Unsinn schreibt: Er arbeitet daran, einen eigenen Impfstoff zu entwickeln (mit 200.000 C$ Drittmitteln).
Bridle claims that a (newly discovered through FOI request) PMDA bio-distribution study shows circulation and accumulation of the spike protein. It doesn’t; it shows small amounts of the mRNA vaccine is detectable throughout the body… in rats. This is not new information as Bridle claims; these data were previously available online, and are considered in the European Medicines Agency assessment of the vaccines. Nor is his document peer-reviewed.
A specific concern highlighted by Bridle – accumulation in the rats' ovaries – at peak, resulted in 0.095% (that’s 0.00095 of the dose) of the mRNA injected, detectable in the ovaries. Not the spike protein – the mRNA vaccine.
Additionally, the pre-print he references related to 13 healthcare workers (Ogata (2021)) that found spike proteins in plasma (not organs, or ovaries) are at levels less than 100,000x that are needed to cause damage in the lungs, according to Lei et al. (2021) . One of the authors of the Lei paper confirms this interpretation.
Also mal wieder der übliche Quatsch der von Leuten verbreitet wird, denen wissenschaftliches Arbeiten fremd ist.