Bundeswehr bildet im Irak ezidisches Peschmerga-Bataillon aus



Interview mit Volksratssprecher Seid Hisen von Shengal, in Berlin am 02.07.15


vgl. Özgür Gündem, 17.08.2007, "Katliamdan komşu ülkeler sorumlu"


"The attitude of KDP during these important times, during which the agenda is determined by the presidential election of the federal region and by the presence of ISIS, harms Kurdish national unity. KDP would only lose from such harmful policies. KDP must rather work to create trust among people and strengthen the national unity. The foundation for this is ready."


"We are in favour of a system where the cultural and religious differences as well as the self-determination of Ezidi people are recognized. This structure can be affiliated with the federal Kurdish administration. What is important is that the Ezidi people have their own democratic autonomy and their own defense capability. This democratic structure must be recognised by the constitution"


Seid Hisen, Interview, 02.07.2015

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