ENFOPOL 98, Rev 1

Seite 5: Part III. Additional Requirements/Explanations

Der folgende Beitrag ist vor 2021 erschienen. Unsere Redaktion hat seither ein neues Leitbild und redaktionelle Standards. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

a.) for INTERNET

Individual Telecommunications over the Internet is subject to the IUR 95. In this context number or other electronic identifier means e.g. fixed and dynamic IP adresses (the electronic address assigned to a participant in the Internet), account numbers and e-mail addresses. Call associated data are not separate from the call content (esp. for requirements 1, 1.4 to 1.4.6, 2, and 3.1).


The growing amount of cross-border co-operation in the field of telecommunicatoins interception requires a parallel level of security in the respectiv countries.