"Weltweites Propagandanetzwerk von der CIA aufgebaut"



Seite 40 [Maus18]


Ziffer 5, Seite 32 [Maus18]


"The knowledge regarding such operations has become so widespread that our country has been accused of being responsible for practically every internal difficulty that has occurred in every country in the world." Seite 141 [Chur76].


"As long as it remains national policy, another important requirement is an aggressive covert psychological, political and paramilitary organization more effective, more unique, and if necessary, more ruthless than that employed by the enemy. No one should be permitted to stand in the way of the prompt, efficient, and secure accomplishment of this mission. It is now clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. There are no rules in such a game." Seite 50 [Chur76].


" — Create and exploit problems for International Communism. — Discredit International Communism, and reduce the strength of its parties and organization. — Reduce International Communist control over any areas of the world. — Strengthen the orientation toward the United States of the nations of the free world, accentuate, wherever possible, the identity of interest between such nations and the United States as well as favoring, where appropriate, those groups genuinely advocating or believing in the advancement of such mutual interests, and increase the capacity and will of such peoples and nations to resist International Communism. — In accordance with established policies, and to the extent practicable in areas dominated or threatened by International Communism, develop underground resistance and facilitate covert and guerrilla operations." Seite 51 [Chur76].


" — Specifically, such [covert action] operations shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda, political action, economic warfare, preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition, escape and evasion and evacuation measures ; subversion against hostile states or groups including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups; support of indigenous and anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world; deception plans and operations and all compatible activities necessary to accomplish the foregoing." Seite 51 [Chur76].


"The Central Intelligence Agency has long-developed clandestine relationships with the American academic community, which range from academics making introductions for intelligence purposes to intelligence collection while abroad, to academic research and writing where CIA sponsorship is hidden." Seite 181 [Chur76].


"Clandestine activities that touch American institutions and individuals have taken many forms and are effected through a wide variety of means: university officials and professors provide leads and make introductions for intelligence purposes; scholars and journalists collect intelligence; journalists devise and place propaganda; United States publications provide cover for CIA agents overseas." Seite 179 [Chur76].


"The Central Intelligence Agency is now using several hundred American academics, who in addition to providing leads and, on occasion, making introductions for intelligence purposes, occasionally write books and other material to be used for propaganda purposes abroad. Beyond these, an additional few score are used in an unwitting manner for minor activities. These academics are located in over 100 American colleges, universities, and related institutes. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the individual concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university official is aware of the operational use made of academics on his campus. In addition, there are several American academics abroad who serve operational purposes, primarily the collection of intelligence." Seite 189/190 [Chur76].


Seite 193 [Chur76].


Seite 193 [Chur76].


"'We' 'had' at least one newspaper in every foreign capital at any given time,‹ one C.I.A. man said, and those that the agency did not own outright or subsidize heavily it infiltrated with paid agents or staff officers who could have stories printed that were useful to the agency and not print those it found detrimental." [Crew77].


"The tasks they performed sometimes consisted of little more than serving as ›eyes and ears‹ for the CIA; reporting on what they had seen or overheard in an Eastern European factory, at a diplomatic reception in Bonn, on the perimeter of a military base in Portugal. On other occasions, their assignments were more complex: planting subtly concocted pieces of misinformation; hosting parties or receptions designed to bring together American agents and foreign spies; serving up ›black‹ propaganda to leading foreign journalists at lunch or dinner; providing their hotel rooms or bureau offices as ›drops‹ for highly sensitive information moving to and from foreign agents; conveying instructions and dollars to CIA controlled members of foreign governments." [Bern77].


"The Agency study contended that this technique was 'particularly effective for democratically-run membership organizations, which need to assure their own unwitting members and collaborators, as well as their hostile critics, that they have genuine, respectable, private sources of income.'" Seite 183 [Chur76].


"More importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants the non-›Big Three‹ foundations made during this period in the field of international activities." Seite 182 [Chur76]. […]

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