pop~profile - GASHGirl - VNS Matrix
The emergence of cyberfeminism in Australia
The VNS Matrix manifesto states that this grrl-group emerged from the cyber swamp during a steamy Southern Australian summer in 1991. They have become indentified with the essence of what is known as the cyber feminist dialogue, and theory. VNS MATRIX created the MOO project Spiral-Space, which is a linking structure between MOO rooms, which they activated during an exhibiton in Toronto. VNS Matrix also produced the online project PATHOGENIC VECTORS
The home page for Gashgirl, and the VNS Matrix website, reside on the System X (sysx) server in Sydney, an artists online service created in 1990 as a BBS. The server uses the APANA net provider for their non-profit network, and in this way they can maintain a low-fee membershipfor artists members. Francesca is also associated with ANAT (the Australian Network for Art and Technology) which was formed after a national survey which she conducted in 1985. ANAT began online activity in 1994, with grants from the Australia Council and the Australian Film Commission..