Seite 2: Lynn Hershman Leeson: Pop~Profile

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Although Conceiving Ada is her first feature film, Hershman's roots are in interactive 'experimental' multi-media, photography and video. She divides her work into two categories: B.C. and A.D. "Before Computers and After Digital" For her digital ideas, she was the winner of the Cyberstar 95. She is also no stranger to the 'long form', or feature style works geared to the television and art house film audience. To her credit are no less than 6 reflective video-films, several were co-produced by German television (ZDF) and Arte. Her long term video project 'First Person Plural: The Electronic Diaries' was shown at the 1996 Berlin Film Festival, under the American Independents & Features Abroad program.

Hershman established herself as a media theory specialist, as editor of the successful 1996 publication 'Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture' Bay Press, Chicago.

With this book, she established herself internationally as one of the most connected American media personalities. Her book draws together the most innovative thinkers, who explore the many interactions between art, technology and culture. The book features a CD-Rom called 'Clicking On', that includes interviews with many of the film's contributors, including John Perry Barlow, R.U. Sirius, and Sadie Plant (a specialist on Ada Lovelace and cyberfeminist theory). Hershman wrote numerous theoretical texts, building up to the publication 'Clicking In', which her bibliography, resume and list of texts reveal.