Das Anthrax kam vom Militär



Vgl. vor allem die zuständige Lokalpresse, nämlich z.B. "Bruce Ivins's lawyer, colleague share details FBI left out", Frederick News Post vom 5.12.2010: "Meryl Nass, a physician who has written extensively about anthrax vaccines and the Amerithrax investigation, gave the seminar attendees some insight into Ivins’ final days. Ivins overdosed on Tylenol PM on July 26, 2008, and died on July 29. But Nass said, medically speaking, the outcome of his overdose should have been different. Ivins was brought to Frederick Memorial Hospital by an ambulance early on the morning of July 27. He was under constant surveillance, and Nass said the FBI agents watching him could have, but didn’t, inform the doctors that he had purchased two bottles of Tylenol PM a few days earlier. Nass said there is no evidence that the FBI agents helped get Ivins medical attention quicker or let anyone know about the Tylenol purchase. 'It takes from two to several days for liver failure to occur after ingesting a large dose of Tylenol,' according to a document Nass handed out at the seminar. She said there is an effective antidote, called N-acetyl cysteine, that helps the body detoxify the substance created as the liver metabolizes the Tylenol. Nass said death rates from a Tylenol overdose is »extremely rare when this safe, easily available treatment is given in a timely manner."


Robert Schmidt u.a., Scientist in Anthrax Case Said to Have Killed Himself (Update4), auf Bloomberg.com, 1.8.2008;


Vgl. Glenn Greenwald, Doubts over the anthrax case intensify - except among much of the media, auf Salon.com, 18. August 2008; sowie Jay Epstein, The Anthrax Attacks Remain Unsolved, in: Wall Street Journal, 24.1.2010.


Vgl. abermals Greenwald und Epstein, wie oben angeführt.


Chaim Kupferberg, There’s Something About Omar. Truth, Lies, and The Legend of9/11, auf Global Research, 21.10.2003: »To anyone familiar with covert operations, the above item would perhaps set off alarm bells. In theory, if Atta and his comrades were intelligence assets, they would be handled by resident, intelligence-connected, 'babysitters' whose job it would be to set up accommodations and provide support where needed. Were the Irishes 'babysitters' in an intelligence operation?


Eric Lipton, Doubts persist among Anthrax Suspect's Colleagues, in: New York Times, 8.8.2008: »In 2000, US military personnel are being required under the threat of court-martial to be inoculated with an anthrax vaccine. But the vaccine, known as Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed (AVA), is not working very well and some soldiers are getting sick. This results in a loud public outcry lasting into 2001.«


Robert B. Myers, Lansing Economic Club Presentation, 18.1.2001 (auf der BioPort-Website (s.u., Archiv) unter News Room - News Releases.


Vgl. History Commons, 2000-2001: USAMRIID Scientists Have Trouble with Anthrax Vaccine; FBI Will Later Call This the Motive for Anthrax Attacks, Suspect Ivins: "Ivins is working at USAMRIID, the US Army's top bioweapons laboratory, and he and about six other USAMRIID scientists were assigned by the Defense Department to fix the problems with the vaccine so production could resume. In a June 2000 Email message, Ivins writes, 'Unfortunately, since the BioPort people aren't scientists, the task of solving their problem has fallen on us.'"; Doubts Persist Among Anthrax Suspect's Colleagues, New York Times, 8.8.2008: "The criticism, which reached its peak in 2000 and early 2001, was clearly starting to get on Dr. Ivins's nerves. 'I think the **** is about to hit the fan … big time,' he wrote in a July 2000 e-mail message about the inoculation program, according to a government affidavit. 'It's just a fine mess.'"


Vgl. New York Times, ebd.: "Dr. Ivins and other researchers, however, had been working on a more advanced alternative vaccine — considered safer and more effective — so there was no reason for such a rash act, his former colleagues say. 'There was a lot of consternation, a lot of pressure to rescue this thing,' said Jeffrey Adamovicz, one of Dr. Ivins's fellow researchers at the time. 'But if AVA failed, he had his next vaccine candidate. It was well on its way to what looked to be a very bright future.'"


"In December 2001, BioPort obtained FDA approval for its newly-renovated anthrax vaccine manufacturing facilities. With approval of a contractor to fill the vaccine in vials, BioPort received final approval to distribute vaccine from its newly renovated facilities in January 2002."; BioPort


Am 30.6.1999 führte El-Hibri vor dem "Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations of the House Committee on Government Reforms" aus: "Three Companies currently hold voting equity in BioPort: Intervac LLC and Intervac Management LLC, which are both Maryland limited liability companies, and Michigan Biologic Products, Inc., a Michigan Corporation. Intervac LLC is the controlling shareholder. Intervac LLC is owned by Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., my wife Nancy and me, and I & F Holdings N.V., a Netherlands Antilles investment company owned by my father Ibrahim El-Hibri. As mentioned earlier, I & F Holdings is an investment company in biotech operations, which previously had invested in the management buy-out of Proton Products Ltd … Admiral Crowe and I and the controlling members of Intervac LLC." 3 unter - News Room - News Releases - Press Releases - June 30, 1999.


"'Federal officials recently re-stated their concerns about the level of vulnerability in the event of a massive airborne anthrax attack. This contract allows other agencies such as Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and the State Department to obtain BioThrax through the Defence Department', (BioPort-President Bob) Kramer said". BioPort

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