MH 17: Offener Brief an Donald Trump



Zu den 25 ursprünglichen Unterzeichnern des Offenen Briefes, die im Link genannt werden, haben sich mit dem britischen Journalisten Maximilian Clarke und dem deutsch-amerikanischen Gründer der Website "Russia Insider", Charles Bausman, inzwischen zwei weitere gesellt


Die Aussagen werden auch von der britischen Zeitung Daily Mail zitiert


Im englisch-sprachigen Originalton: "We picked up the imagery of this launch. We know the trajectory. We know where it came from. We know the timing, and it was exactly at the time that this aircraft disappeared from the radar."


"There are no satellite images in the sense of a video showing a missile that goes up into the air. However, the U.S. authorities have data available on the basis of which a launch can be established. In their response to a request for legal assistance, the U.S. authorities supplied a report regarding the conclusions of an analysis of those data. In principle, this report can be used in a Dutch court. The conclusion of the U.S. authorities is that flight MH17 was shot down by an SA-11 surface-to-air missile which was launched from a site about six kilometres south of Snizhne in Eastern Ukraine. The U.S. authorities also explained how they arrived at this conclusion. In addition they say that they are sure of the fact that Ukrainian air defence systems could not have done it and that an air-to-air scenario is impossible."

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