Ritter des Konnektoms
J. G. White, E. Southgate, J. N. Thomson, and S. Brenner. The structure of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London. B314: 1-340 (1986).
C. Bargmann, "Beyond the Connectome: How Neuromodulators shape Neural Circuits", Bioessays, V. 34, 2011.
F. Jabr, "The Connectome Debate: Is Mapping the Mind of a Worm Worth It?", Scientific American, October 2, 2012.
C. Bargmann, E. Marder, "From the Connectome to Brain Function", Nature Methods, V. 10. 2013, S. 483-490.
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