Service Robots in Public Spaces

Seite 5: A Ban of Service Robots?

Der folgende Beitrag ist vor 2021 erschienen. Unsere Redaktion hat seither ein neues Leitbild und redaktionelle Standards. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

When it comes to the ideas of the economy, of science and politics, soon thousands of service robots will populate our cities. They become colleagues, friends, acquaintances, companions, competitors, threats. They support and replace us, they fight with us for space and energy.

This article has defined and systematized service robots that enter the common and public spaces, roll on paths, across places and occupy spaces, has outlined their application possibilities and explored selected problem areas. Solution proposals were made from the perspective of information ethics and of machine ethics.

For politics and legislation, but also for city planners, computer scientists and roboticists such considerations may be helpful. These are rather broad to reflect the entire spectrum. We now need to deepen individual issues and further develop individual solutions. Sometimes, a ban of robots in certain areas may be a tested method. It is important, however - and here as well further considerations are necessary -, to take into account beside the substantial risks also the significant opportunities.


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