Eine haarige Geschichte



On a recent evening, sitting home alone suffering and brooding about my treatment at the police station because of an incident in a department store, and being replaced by Zsa Zsa Gabor in a motion picture (imagine how that pleased the ego!) I figured out that I had made - and spent - some thirty million dollars. Yet earlier that day I had been unable to pay for a sandwich at Schwab's drug-store.


I was once invited to Cecil De Mille's projection room, and they were running Samson and Delilah with Hedy Lamarr and Victor Mature. I'm sure many of you have seen that picture, some time or other. So Cecil De Mille came up to me, when the picture was over and he said "How did you like the picture?" I said "It'll be a failure." And he said "Why? Why will it be a failure?" "Because you got the characters wrong. Victor Mature has much bigger knockers than Hedy Lamarr." They never asked me at the Paramount again.


Eisenhower, der als "Opa" der Nation galt, war mit 70 abgetreten.

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